09 Feb

You just never know how a little encouraging note that you send to someone can have such an impact. I had such a note that my dear friend Becky gave me probably 10 years ago.  It was just written on a small piece of scrap paper that she handed me, but that quote resonated deep in my soul.  It seemed to keep appearing in different places over the years as I never could throw it away. The quote was written in my sweet friend’s handwriting. The note read, “Worry robs me of the energy I need to get done the things of today.”

Well, I don‘t know about you, but I am prone to be a worrier and it is something I have to constantly give to the Lord.  Many moms worry about all sorts of things: Am I teaching my kid everything they need to know? Am I making the best decisions about their schooling? Am I meeting the needs of everyone that I am supposed to be meeting?  Am I training my children properly? What if my child gets sick? And the list goes on and on depending on your season of life…If you already have children you know that being mom requires a daily dose of love and perseverance. Maybe you are single, maybe you have a struggling relationship.  There are going to be times when we must call on Jesus in times of weariness. Maybe it is with your job, family, finances or friends. 

Many times it is our thought life that leads us down the wrong path. “Crazy” thoughts (just dwelling on things we have no control over or can’t change, or thinking about things that we think are true but may not be truth) lead to anxiety and anxiety leads us to physical & mental exhaustion. Sometimes that exhaustion leads to us falling deeper and deeper into despair. Physical and mental exhaustion leads to the "depression dungeon". The "depression dungeon" leads to the path of despair.  Well, you may be thinking that this is not very encouraging. We all have periods in our life when we can get on this slippery slope.  Did you know we can actually thank God for these things because if we allow, it is during these times we draw closer to  Him. I always think of a song I heard years ago, "God of the Mountain is Still God in the Valley."

Let’s take a different path that doesn't lead to despair and defeat.  So when those “crazy” thoughts creep in, instead of allowing anxiety to take control, first we need to think on  truth. 

Read Philippians 4: 1-23 taking note of key phrases that stand out to you. 

Write down in your journal Philippians 4:8. Put this on an index card or on a sticky note on our desktop and memorize it!

In your own words how do you think Philippians 4:8 can help your thought life?

Read 2 Corinthians 10:4- 6. What do we need to do to changing our thinking?  Pay  special attention to the verbs in verse 5.

Did you catch the verbs casting and bringing? This reminds me that it is something I have to continually do. Trust me I say I do this often!

Don’t forget to cry out to Jesus, He desires for us to come to Him.  Be patient and proactive as you count on God for deliverance as you wait on Him.   

I am so thankful that very early on when I was a young child the very first memory verse I memorized was I Peter 5:7. I have often told God He know I was going to be using that one often and that is why it was the first. LOL. 

Look up 1 Peter 5:7. What does that verse tell us to do with all the things we worry about?

Read Isaiah 40:30-31 and Galatians 6:9.  What do these verses have in common and how do they encourage us that we can have Victory in Jesus?

Read Philippians 4:13 again to remind you that you can take this better path.

Lord, Thank you for your grace, guidance, and strength. Please help me to cast all my cares upon you so that I don’t become weary in well-doing. When my thoughts get the best of me help me to bring those thought captive to you. -amen

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