19 Feb

One of the benefits of testing with ATC is to look for interdisciplinary discrepancies in learning: In traditional school many students are overlooked that are are gifted. This group of unserved students are those whose abilities and disabilities mask each other. As just one example, many students with dyslexia can be exceptional problem solvers and artists.
Students who are gifted and also have learning disabilities do, in fact, exist but are often overlooked when students are assessed for either giftedness or learning disabilities(Fox, Brody, & Tobin, 1983).

At ATC we refer to the "learning disabilities" as" learning differences"! 

If you are homeschooling a child with special needs, you need to follow your state’s homeschool regulations. There are no additional requirements for homeschooling children with special needs. If you are in NC go HERE for more information on the legal requirements.

According to Section 115C-563 of North Carolina General statutes, homeschools are classified as "non public schools." Individual school districts may offer services at their discretion.

Keep in mind there is no state law that explicitly grants homeschool students a right to state-funded special education services.

As you decide what kind of special needs services and therapy best meet your child’s needs, ATC wants you to know that HSLDA Compassion Curriculum Grants are available to help with diagnostic services, therapy, curriculum, or other educational materials. We are not associated in any way with this but you can learn more HERE.

This is one of my favorite resources for homeschooling student's with autism.

Times Tales® Helps Students with Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Learn Multiplication

5-workbook everyday math bundle - master the math skills that are essential to every day living!

Pet Math is a fun way to get kids, especially those who LOVE pets, engaged in math by using real-life pet responsibilities.

These instructional booklets are not only a chore check off system but teaches children HOW to complete each step along the way. This fun and unique chore system is designed to help children visually and systematically work through cleaning the kitchen, living room/entry, bathroom and bedrooms independently and with ease. Step-by-step illustrations make chores simple -- non-readers can easily follow along! Simply flip to the first page in the laminated flip chart and follow the illustrated instructions. Use the included dry erase marker to check the box then flip the page! Children love knowing exactly what to do and enjoy the immediate sense of accomplishment as they work through the chart. Moms love knowing that "I'm done!" actually means the room is clean.